GetMailProp |
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GetMailProp The GetMailProp gets properties of the specified mail message.
Delphi syntax: function GetMailProp(Handle: TMailboxHandle; FolderNumber: dword; MailNumber: dword; var MailData: TMailData): dword; C++ syntax: DWORD WINAPI GetMailProp (DWORD Handle, DWORD FolderNumber, DWORD MailNumber, PMAILPROP MailProp); C# syntax: public static extern int GetMailProp(int boxHandle, int folderIdx, int MailIdx, out MailProp mailprop);
Parameters: Handle Handle of previously opened mailbox. FolderNumber Number of the folder object with the mail. MailNumber Specifies an ordinal number of the mail message inside the folder object. Range of then MailNumber from 0 to TFolderProp.MailCount – 1. MailProp TMailProp record for returning the selected mail message properties.
Return Values: Returns selected mail message properties in MailProp. On success returns OMS_OK or Error Code if fails.
Remarks: MailCount field of TFolderProp structure contains a total message count in the folder.
See also: OpenMailbox, GetFolderCount, GetFolderProp
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