GetFolderProp |
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GetFolderProp The GetFolderProp retrieves information about the specified folder object.
Delphi syntax: function GetFolderProp (Handle: TMailboxHandle; FolderNumber: dword; var FolderProp: TFolderProp): dword; C++ syntax: DWORD WINAPI GetFolderProp (DWORD Handle, DWORD FolderNumber, PFOLDERPROP folder); C # syntax: public static extern int GetFolderProp(int mailboxHandle, int folderIdx, out FolderProp folder);
Parametrs: Handle Identifies the mailbox file. FolderNumber Specifies the number of the selected folder object. The FolderNumber range from 0 to GetFolderCount-1. FolderProp TFolderProp record for retrieving information of the selected folder properties.
Return values: Returns selected folder properties in FolderProp. On success returns OMS_OK, and an error code otherwise.
See also:
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