Abstract MCore library API use model:


Abstract MCore library API use model


Please review the model to learn about how to use MCore API and lead to a result, operations at these facilities.




MailboxHandle              dword               // OpenMailbox API return MailboxHandle, all other operation doing with MailboxHandle value


FolderProperties           TFolderProp     // The Mailbox Folder properties returned here

MailProperties             TMailProp       // The Mail message properties returned here

AttachProperties           TAttachProp     // The Attachment properties returned here


FolderIndex                 dword               // For enumerating of all Mailbox Folders

MailIndex                    dword               // For enumerating of all Mail messages

AttachIndex                  dword               // For enumerating of all Attachments




MailboxHandle = OpenMailbox(‘full path and file name of mailbox file’)                         // Open mailbox file and return Mailbox Handle


For FolderIndex = 0 to GetFolderCount( MailboxHandle ) - 1 do                                 // Enumerate all folders from 0 to GetMailboxCount – 1 inside mailbox


GetFolderProp( MailboxHandle, FolderIndex, FolderProperties )                                 // Get properties of each (FolderIndex) folder


For MailIndex = 0 to FolderProperties.MailCount - 1 do                                             // Enumerate all mail messages inside current (FolderIndex) folder


  GetMailProp( MailboxHandle, FolderIndex, MailIndex, MailProperties )                       // Get properties of each (MailIndex) mail message


    For AttachIndex = 0 to GetAttachCount( MailboxHandle, FolderIndex, MailIndex) – 1 do// Enumerate all mail messages inside current (MailIndex) mail message


      GetAttachProp( MailboxHandle, FolderIndex, MailIndex, AttachIndex, AttachProperties) // Get properties of each (AttachIndex) attachment





CloseMailbox( MailboxHandle )                                                                                               // Close mailbox file  




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